This documentary chronicles the lives of a group of young Egyptian women from a very conservative village in Upper Egypt who form an all-female acting troupe despite family rejection. In Upper Egypt, being a woman of a different religion than the majority is like a triple whammy and a challenge in itself – Upper Egypt is neglected, Egyptian women struggle to achieve even half of equality, and Egyptian Christians struggle to have even a place to worship. In the midst of all this, a film from the heart of Upper Egypt comes to win the first prize for an Egyptian film at the Cannes Film Festival. In Upper Egypt, being a woman of a different religion than the majority is like a triple whammy. and a challenge in itself – Upper Egypt is neglected, Egyptian women struggle to achieve even half of equality, and Egyptian Christians struggle to have even a place to worship. In the midst of all this, a film from the heart of Upper Egypt comes to win the first prize for an Egyptian film at the Cannes Film Festival.